Thursday, 11 February 2016


how to find fack facebook profile..?

Find Fake Facebook Profiles: TrackMost of us use to search queries in Google “How to spot a fake facebook account? “. Yes it is a common question that can come to anyone’s mind. Many internet users create bogus facebook profiles to spy their friends or relatives. As of Cnet 2012 report ,  8.7 %  of the total facebook users, are the fake profiles.In my previous post i discussed Unlock Display Pictures In Facebook !! , and in this article I’ll be focusing on how to detect a fake facebook profile.
Fake facebook profiles of girls are generally easily guessed by some signs like “Seductive Display Picture”, One gender friends, thousand of friends, Only one or two pictures in the profile,Incomplete “About” section. These are the signs of a bogus profile. Display Pictures on facebook can be easily judged by the technique called “Reverse image search”. Reverse image search is a technique in which, image files act as a query for search engines, and search engines show the similar looking pictures. Recently I came across a tool in Google chrome which works on a the same technique of reverse image search.

How To Find Fake Facebook Profiles ?

    1. Download “Facebook Photo Appraiser add on in Google chrome.This Add on injects a script in your facebook profile so that when you login to your account,a new link “Similar images” Gets automatically added in the bottom of each photo on facebook.
    2. Restart you browser and login to your facebook account.
    3. Open any picture of your friend to check whether a new link of “similar images” has been added or not.                                                                                                                                                            

    4. Click on “similar images” , the reverse image searching on google will start. If your friend has downloaded that pic from any website then the similar image will be displayed in the search results.                                                                                
         Facebook Photo Appraiser is very small and handy tool which can help you in detecting the downloaded pictures from search engines and are used as an identity of any facebook user


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